Tag: CVE-2017-10271

Introduction Welcome to the August 2024 installment of the Sensor Intelligence Series, our monthly summary of vulnerability intelligence based on distributed passive sensor data. Last month, we observed the scanning for CVE-2017-9841 fell sharply, and this month is no different, with scanning for that vulnerability falling another 79% from July’s rate. Overall, it’s down 97.4%…

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Introduction Welcome to the July 2024 installment of the Sensor Intelligence Series, our monthly summary of vulnerability intelligence based on distributed passive sensor data. Last month we observed a massive increase in scanning for CVE-2017-9841 as well as continued increases in scanning for CVE-2023-1389 and scanning for a newly discovered PHP vulnerability – CVE-2024-4577. This…

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Note the large increase in the number of unique source IPs and source ASNs. Between May and June, 38 different source ASNs dropped from the scanning activity, and 179 were added. This is unusual. While scanners will abandon infrastructure as takedowns happen, or access is revoked, they typically do not make such massive changes without…

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Who Is Scanning for CVE-2023-1389? Back in April, when we first started tracking CVE-2023-1389, we did an analysis of who was scanning for it, and found that the majority of scanning activity was coming from just two ASNs, AS49870 (Alsycon, a hosting provider out of the Netherlands) and AS47890 (Unmanaged Ltd). Running these analyses again,…

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Introduction Last month’s Sensor Intel Series for March 2024 uncovered the explosion in traffic hunting for systems affected by CVE-2023-1389. The flaw which related to TP-Link Archer AX21 Wi-Fi routers has quickly become the new darling of threat actors looking to build out their DDoS botnets. No new signatures have been introduced this month. Instead,…

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The majority of the scanning activity is coming from IP addresses assigned to just a handful of ASNs, mostly AS49870 (Alsycon, a hosting provider out of the Netherlands) and AS47890 (Unmanaged Ltd, what looks to be an IT consulting firm based out of the UK). The scanners appear to be using VPS or other resources…

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Last week, a malware campaign targeting Jenkins automation servers was reported by CheckPoint researchers.1 The attackers exploited a deserialization vulnerability2 in Jenkin’s bidirectional channel (CVE-2017-1000353)3 to deploy Monero cryptomining malware that generated an estimated profit of $3 million. Following this disclosure, F5 researchers observed what appears to be the same threat actor group, as they…

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Figure 2: Weblogic WLS-WSAT campaign attempting to download and execute the same Windows executable file   This attempt to download the same file immediately indicated to us that the same attacker was using different exploits in the operation. Unfortunately, these files weren’t available to download from the original server nor from other malware repositories, so…

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After the vulnerable server decodes the string, it is instructed to download a malicious file. The malicious request after decoding is: oProxyCommand= wget Again, in this case the threat actor took down the malicious file download.php before the researchers could download it to analyze. Weathermap Editor (cacti plugin) Arbitrary Code Execution (CVE-2013-3739) Another known…

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Conclusion Continuing the trend from January, threat actors in February delivered crypto-miners and Mirai variants. Most of the vulnerabilities exploited in February are not new, however, they are known vulnerabilities in popular applications and systems. In these cases, a threat actor is not looking for a specific target, but instead tries to exploit as many…

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