Tag: Cybercrime

Figure 2: Latest attack request targeting Windows servers   As shown in Figure 2, the latest attack requests are targeting the same URL, keeping the same HTTP header values and the same exploit structure, however, they are now using Windows shell commands to download and execute a file. Using the Windows certutil Tool While Linux…

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In the F5 and Ponemon report, The Evolving Role of CISOs and their Importance to the Business, security leaders were asked to rank their top threats to their security ecosystem. The number one answer was advanced persistent threats (ranked 8.8 out of 10). We’ve already talked about why CISOs should manage the most likely damaging…

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There’s a lot of speculation in cryptocurrency right now. People are mining coins all over the place, and even though it’s getting harder and harder to make money mining coins, interest is still high. All it costs is money for the power bill. So, of course, clever people are figuring out how to use other people’s power…

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F5 researchers recently noticed a new campaign exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 servers (CVE–2017–7269) in order to mine Electroneum crypto-currency. Last year, ESET security researchers reported that the same IIS vulnerability was abused to mine Monero, and install malware to launch targeted attacks against organizations by the notorious “Lazarus” group.…

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It’s a sad state of Internet affairs when the US government must publish a US-CERT Alert about Russia targeting US entities through negligent network infrastructure misconfigurations.1 In Alert TA18-106A, US-CERT discloses that since 2015, the US government, in partnership with the UK, has been receiving data from numerous sources that “large numbers” of enterprise-class and…

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The rise of poorly secured Internet of Things (IoT) devices has made it possible for attackers to gain access to targets of interest. Nation-states, spies, mercenaries, and others don’t need to dress up as repairmen to plant bugs in rooms anymore; they can just hack into a room that has vulnerable IoT devices. In May,…

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Figure 16: QA Injection alert, “Page Injected!” Conclusion Panda’s expansion beyond traditional banking targets is following the trend we noticed during the 2017 holiday season.5 This is the first campaign we have seen targeting cryptocurrency sites, but it’s a move that makes sense, given the popularity of cryptocurrency. This act of simultaneous campaigns targeting several…

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  Most don’t, according to BuiltWith, a site that tracks the technologies websites use. Based on its latest data, a paltry .2% of sites on the Internet include CSP headers. Digging further, 8.4% of the Quantcast Top 10,000 have used CSP headers. Which sounds better until you do the math. That’s only 840 sites. By…

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  Attack Destination Ports The following ports in order of prevalence were targeted in the Singapore attacks: 5060 — clear text Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 23 — Telnet remote management 1433 — Microsoft SQL Server database 81 — Alternate web server port for host-to-host communication 7547 — TCP port used by ISPs to remotely manage…

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With each entity, process or service that moves from the physical world into cyberspace, there is a corresponding transformation to the threat landscape. Digital transformation doesn’t just change the business model or the supply chain dynamic. It also introduces significant new threats that go beyond monitoring web traffic and securing networks.  Those threats take a variety…

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