Tag: data breach

Those of us at a certain age (ahem) grew up in a simpler time. Email was largely unheard of. There was no social media, no Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. There was no e-commerce, no Amazon, Alibaba or Taobao. No online banking. No online dating. Credit card transactions were processed manually. Local businesses accepted personal checks.…

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Apr 23, 2024NewsroomCounterintelligence / National Security German authorities said they have issued arrest warrants against three citizens on suspicion of spying for China. The full names of the defendants were not disclosed by the Office of the Federal Prosecutor (aka Generalbundesanwalt), but it includes Herwig F., Ina F., and Thomas R. “The suspects are strongly…

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Apr 23, 2024NewsroomEnd-to-End Encryption / Privacy European Police Chiefs said that the complementary partnership between law enforcement agencies and the technology industry is at risk due to end-to-end encryption (E2EE). They called on the industry and governments to take urgent action to ensure public safety across social media platforms. “Privacy measures currently being rolled out,…

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Cybersecurity breaches can be devastating for both individuals and businesses alike. While many people tend to focus on understanding how and why they were targeted by such breaches, there’s a larger, more pressing question: What is the true financial impact of a cyberattack? According to research by Cybersecurity Ventures, the global cost of cybercrime is…

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Introduction This year we are releasing our 2019 Application Protection Report as a series of short, tightly focused episodes. This helps ensure we provide timely threat intelligence that our readers can add to their own threat models and use to prepare appropriate defenses and responses. Last episode, we focused on PHP’s continuing run as one…

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Injection Detection Injection vulnerabilities can be detected during development but are more difficult to detect in deployed systems. Because injection flaws can be exploited in any stage of an attack, finding and evaluating their impact depends on context. Often attackers use lower-priority vulnerabilities such as cross site scripting (XSS) to gain an initial foothold to…

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Apr 23, 2024NewsroomSpyware / Cyber Espionage The U.S. Department of State on Monday said it’s taking steps to impose visa restrictions on 13 individuals who are allegedly involved in the development and sale of commercial spyware or who are immediately family members of those involved in such businesses. “These individuals have facilitated or derived financial…

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Apr 23, 2024NewsroomNational Security Agency / Threat Intelligence The Russia-linked nation-state threat actor tracked as APT28 weaponized a security flaw in the Microsoft Windows Print Spooler component to deliver a previously unknown custom malware called GooseEgg. The post-compromise tool, which is said to have been used since at least June 2020 and possibly as early…

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Executive Summary Phishing remains a popular method of stealing credentials, committing fraud, and distributing malware. But what appears on the surface to be a juvenile form of cybercrime can be, in practice, a well-orchestrated, multi-faceted, and sustained attack campaign by organized crime groups. From finding victims and creating phishing sites to harvesting and fraudulently using…

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APIs and Sectors As more APIs are published, both by large enterprises who want to make their data more available (such as Google) and by smaller, industry-specific organizations hoping to generate value, some interesting industry patterns are also emerging. Of the organizations for which we had sector information, social networking organizations made up the largest…

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