Tag: DDoS Attacks

So far, we’ve seen IoT Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks on a Death Star scale. Even if your organization wasn’t a direct target of these giant barrages, many others were caught up as collateral damage because they had services adjacent or dependent on the direct target. Because of this, many organizations are preparing or strengthening their…

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But that’s not the worst news coming out of this survey. No, not by any stretch of the imagination is that the bad news. Sit down and strap in, because it gets much worse. In spite of pushing vulnerable applications into production (and into the hands of consumers), a staggering 44% admitted they aren’t doing anything to…

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A DNS amplification attack floods the victim’s server with a tsunami of fake requests. DNS Hijacking Who owns what domain name and what DNS servers are designated to answer queries are managed by Domain Registrars8. These are commercial services, such as GoDaddy, eNom, and Network Solutions Inc., where there are registered accounts storing this information.…

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Figure 1: CVE-2017-5638 campaign The exploit triggers the vulnerability via the Content-Type header value, which the attacker customized with shell commands to be executed if the server is vulnerable. In the first days of this campaign, shell commands were observed to infect the machine with the “PowerBot” malware, which is written in PERL, and uses…

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These notifications give defenders a chance to prepare their response. Without them, a hacktivist runs the risk of the affected organization attributing the attack to criminals or equipment outages. For a hacktivist, that’s a fail—the attention is just as important to them as the shutdown. The real problem with hacktivists perpetrating DoS attacks is the…

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  The LulzSec attack of Sony Pictures is an illustrative example. Sony Pictures was running several prize giveaways as part of a marketing campaign. LulzSec used a basic SQL injection1 to breach the SonyPictures.com database and grabbed the usernames, passwords, and personal profiles of over one million registered users. They then dumped the data to Pastebin.…

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New information sheds light on Sabu’s activities following the revelation of his identity. Source link lol

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All businesses watch their bottom line. That’s unsurprising. Those that provide technology to consumers (whether IoT device manufacturers or your local ISP that provides your home router) are particularly careful about balancing product support with ease of use. That can lead to what the inventors no doubt believe is an ingenious method of determining passwords…

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Executive Summary The Internet of Things (IoT) and, specifically, the hunt for exploitable IoT devices by attackers, has been a primary area of research for F5 Labs for over a year now—and with good reason. IoT devices are becoming the “cyberweapon delivery system of choice” by today’s botnet-building attackers. And, why not? There are literally…

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On the shoulders of manufacturers lies the responsibility to address vulnerabilities, because the next generation of thingbots is taking advantage of known vulnerabilities to gain control of devices. Persirai is an adaptation of Mirai that shares code as well as command and control servers, but targets all models of IP cameras from a single Chinese…

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