Tag: DDoS Attacks

Figure 5. 60 seconds C&C polling interval   However, although the malware is still evolving, it has good market differentiation in its HTTP functionality. Being based on Android’s WebView class, the thingbot is better equipped with browser-like functionality, making it more resistant to various bot challenges, such as cookie support, redirects, and JavaScript, which are…

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I recently had the opportunity to sit down with two of F5’s top threat researchers, Sara Boddy and Justin Shattuck, to pick their brains about IoT, its current state of “security,” and what we can expect to see in terms of threats, attacks, and mitigations in the future. Justin and Sara are co-authors of three IoT threat research…

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Destruction, loss of data, intellectual property theft, fraud, embezzlement, disruption to business, restoration—globally, the costs of dealing with hacking, which were estimated at $3 trillion in 2015, are projected to double to $6 trillion annually by 2021.1 Yet under US law, it’s illegal to attack the hackers back. Way back in February, a Georgia Republican…

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We’re celebrating our one-year anniversary here at F5 Labs, the application threat intelligence division of F5! Although F5 researchers have been providing threat-related, F5-specific guidance to our customers for many years through DevCentral, the time was right a year ago today to launch a dedicated website that provides the general public with vendor-neutral, application-focused, actionable…

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One thing to consider about the Q1 2018 data is that it’s only one quarter in comparison to the annual averages of 2016 and 2017, and that Q1 typically receives the least number of attacks of any quarter. If attacks against North America decline in Q2, as they have done the past 2 years, the…

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The security community was just taking a breather because we hadn’t seen a massive DDoS attack since the Mirai thingbot took down Dyn in October 2016 with a 1.2 terabit per second DDoS attack. Yesterday, that world record attack was broken when GitHub was hit with a 1.3 terabit per second DDoS attack.1 This attack…

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Executive Summary Like coral reefs teeming with a variety of life, web applications are “colony creatures.” They consist of a multitude of independent components, running in separate environments with different operational requirements and supporting infrastructure (both in the cloud and on premises) glued together across networks. In this report, we examine that series of interacting…

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In part 1 of this blog series, we explored how to use delayed response and diversion as hack back tactics against attackers. Here, we up the game and explore some additional creative deception techniques. Potemkin Apps Back in 1787, the Empress Catherine II of Russia was touring the newly acquired Crimea via a barge trip…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report based on the results of an F5-commissioned Ponemon survey of 3,135 IT and security practitioners across the globe. Additional research conducted by Whatcom Community College, University of Washington Tacoma, along with data from White Hat Security and Loryka served to make this one of…

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F5 Labs continually tracks DDoS trends based on data from various sources. Among the most important are the F5 Security Operations Center (SOC), the front line for mitigating DDoS attacks on behalf of F5 Silverline customers, and F5’s Security Incident Response Team (SIRT), which assists F5 customers who are under attack. This article is a…

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