Tag: Defending Applications

With the cloud, containers and microservices, we’re navigating an environment that includes clients, proxies, web servers, app servers, ingress controllers, containers, sidecars, and a range of microservices performing more and more specialized functions—a whole world purely intrinsic to applications. The complexity involved in the presentation of an app today rivals that of the internet itself…

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Years ago, I worked on a consulting project for a large financial services company, which had recently invested $20 million into their core offering, a managed services platform for financials that was used by hundreds of customers. We did a Failure Mode Effect Analysis for them, looking at every component making up the major service—every…

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EMEA’s mainstream media’s spotlight on ransomware attacks may have dimmed over the last 18 months but that doesn’t mean the threat has disappeared. There is certainly no room for complacency, and we would do well to pay attention to recent events across the pond. Far from diminishing in disruptive impact, ransomware attacks appear to have…

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Difficult security incidents are unique and valuable opportunities. They are the sort of testing you can’t buy: real-world, un-simulated, and direct. No pen-test or code review is going to do what a serious incident will. They are priceless jewels, but only if you use them for all they’re worth. Capturing that value is only possible…

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Looking back at 2020, it was obvious even at the time that everything had changed forever. The COVID-19 pandemic left nothing as it was. It brought disruption and loss to everyone. For security and IT staff, it also ushered in the Great Remote Access Experiment. Our work was suddenly thrust into the limelight, but without…

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Information security often takes the form of an arms race, as attackers develop novel ways to use or abuse services on the web to their own benefit, and defenders scramble to adapt to and block these new techniques. Few technologies better exemplify this arms race than the web element known as CAPTCHA. This component is…

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Interesting and innovative technology is disrupting the financial services market in a good way. Open Banking is one such initiative that can put the customer’s data to use to serve the user’s needs while also extending financial services to populations with no previous access to banking services. The positive impacts of Open Banking are leading…

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Predictions are a risky business. If you play it too conservatively, you tell everyone what they already know and just get an eye roll for your trouble. If you go out on a limb and get it wrong, people stop listening to you. That’s why, as we unwisely return to the task of predicting the…

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The conflict in Ukraine brings the possibility of increased cyberattacks targeting the public infrastructure of NATO nations and their allies, and could easily extend to corporations and other entities within those countries as well. The US CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has provided technical guidance and reporting methods at https://www.cisa.gov/shields-up which is an excellent…

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If we think about vulnerabilities in this way, as a matter of action signaling, then malicious actors are, in their own malicious way, members of our audience. Applications are engineered to function, but they are designed to signal. The specific ways we design apps tell our audience how we expect them to act. When we…

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