Tag: digital transformation

Allow me to nitpick for a moment: There’s a difference between data and information.  Data are the facts or details from which information is derived. As such, standalone pieces of data are rarely useful. It’s not really information until data points are connected with context to tell a story. This nuance is more relevant than…

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With each entity, process or service that moves from the physical world into cyberspace, there is a corresponding transformation to the threat landscape. Digital transformation doesn’t just change the business model or the supply chain dynamic. It also introduces significant new threats that go beyond monitoring web traffic and securing networks.  Those threats take a variety…

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If you think everything’s gone cyber now, just wait. “Digital transformation” is shifting all aspects of modern life — think automated grocery stores, driverless cars and trucks, even our social lives — and it all brings new forms of risk. Consequently, security is becoming one of the top fields in the world. But it’s not…

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IoT attacks, budget shortfalls, and the skills gap are among the problems keeping security pros up at night. The world of cybersecurity gets more intriguing every year. In 2017, security professionals saw their share of attacks, but the increasing sophistication of the skirmishes is notable — with almost machine-like weaponization of code on the attackers’…

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It’s always interesting to watch how the ongoing digital transformation of our lives is changing the world in ways we never would have anticipated years ago. Financial information, social interactions, even our physical locations may be up for grabs in cyberspace, with real-world ramifications. For a few weeks this fall, the U.S. was fixated on…

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This move to container-based development and agile methodologies has been great for innovation and iteration, but it’s also brought a massive shift in the application landscape with real impact on security teams. In just the past year or two, DevOps has become much more mature. Today we need to understand risks and implement controls not…

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