Tag: Fake Accounts

In part two of this multi-part series on fake account creation bots, we look at why automation is used to create fake accounts and how they impact businesses. What is a Fake Account Creation Bot? A fake account creation bot is an automated computer program designed to create large numbers of fake accounts inside online…

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In Part One of this series, we introduced fake account creation bots and why people create fake accounts, and in Part Two we covered why automation is used to create fake accounts and how fake accounts negatively impact businesses. In this article, we are going to focus on how to identify fake bot accounts. We…

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Introduction This is the fourth article in our series on fake account creation bots. The previous articles have introduced these bots, described how they work. and discussed the motivations behind their use. We also covered the negative impact that fake account creation bots have on different kinds of businesses and why business and security leaders…

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Introduction Over the past few months, F5 Labs has presented a series of articles on fake account creation. We’ve covered why fraudsters create fake accounts and how automation is used to create fake accounts at scale. These articles have described how these fake accounts can negatively impact businesses, but also how security professionals identify fake accounts and leverage security controls to stop bots running fake…

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Looking Back How times have changed! Looking back at our 5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2023 there was not a single mention of AI. And yet, here we are wrapping up 2023 (pun very much intended) and it seems almost impossible to read a headline in which AI is not somehow involved. While we may have…

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