Tag: Governance

Introduction No CISO is an island. Of all the executive roles in a mature organization, the CISO is one of the most dependent on the collaboration and integration of disparate resources and people. The CISO is responsible not for a specific, discrete segment of a business model but for managing an abstract principle with shifting…

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“Quantity has a quality all its own”—a quote apocryphally attributed to Joseph Stalin. As part of the research that went into F5 Labs’ 2018 Application Protection Report, we surveyed information security professionals. We found that 37% of respondents were from organizations with more than 5,000 people. Here’s how the percentages broke down: What is the…

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There is an unspoken assumption that pervades the information security industry. It is a vestige from the days when system administrators were the security staff, and the ways in which customers and organizations interacted with the Internet were markedly different from how they are now. This assumption is that the boundary that separates our network…

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Learn from CISOs who describe how they would “do it over” again in some of their early security program deployments. Source link lol

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Imagine a network of intelligent sensors and content filters that connects to every endpoint in an enterprise network. It is scalable, resilient, adaptable, and features the gold standard (for the moment at least) in natural language processing. It has an average uptime of 98% during business hours. Even better, all organizations already have this tool.…

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We wrote an article recently asking security leaders to talk about their past failures and the lessons they wanted to pass on to others. We called it If I Had to Do It Over Again, and our readers really liked it. A number of folks approached me wanting to tell their stories as well, so…

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At the beginning of this year, we invited security leaders to talk about their past failures and the lessons they wanted to pass on. We called it If we had to do it again, and people really liked it. A number of folks approached me wanting to tell their stories as well; so a month…

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As we’ve seen in this series, security defenders’ perception of a security program can differ from the reality. Part 1 examined three key gaps that lead to incomplete risk management processes. Part 2 explored the gap in critical areas of perception of risk and defense between security leadership and security technicians, and how it can…

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Difficult security incidents are unique and valuable opportunities. They are the sort of testing you can’t buy: real-world, un-simulated, and direct. No pen-test or code review is going to do what a serious incident will. They are priceless jewels, but only if you use them for all they’re worth. Capturing that value is only possible…

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Looking back at 2020, it was obvious even at the time that everything had changed forever. The COVID-19 pandemic left nothing as it was. It brought disruption and loss to everyone. For security and IT staff, it also ushered in the Great Remote Access Experiment. Our work was suddenly thrust into the limelight, but without…

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