Tag: IcedId

The next step in this process is to convert the decrypted and decompressed data file from binary into a human readable format. The following python snippet provides a regular expression that will roughly split the injects from one another: import re regex_res = re.split(‘[x00]{1}[x00-xff]{7}[x00]{2}[x01-xff]{1}’, data[7:]) The steps outlined here can be used on the different…

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The IcedID malware, also known as Bokbot, is a banking trojan first discovered in 2017 that steals credentials by tricking browser functions into redirecting traffic. It is a stealthy, fileless malware with anti-sandbox capabilities. Previously, F5 Labs analyzed IcedID decompression methods for web injecting relevant files into a target list. This is a much deeper…

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