Tag: incident response

An orchard of cybersecurity law is growing in Asia. Now based in Singapore, your intrepid reporter is bumping into these cyber laws not as a participant (yet) but as an interested observer. Like the data-protection laws recently passed throughout the region, these cybersecurity regulations have a lot in common with each other. Singaporeans are known…

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In simpler times, cybersecurity was a fairly straightforward proposition. You had your firewall, your gateway. You monitored traffic and scanned for viruses. The bad guys weren’t even always that bad, per se. Sometimes they were just there for kicks. But these are not simpler times. In today’s world of sophisticated criminals, hacktivism, espionage and cyber…

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Mobile World Congress: cancelled due to Coronavirus. IBM and others pulled out of the RSA Conference for the same reason. Supply chains are in jeopardy, since so much technology is manufactured in China. It seems even we in the tech world can’t avoid getting pulled into the Coronavirus gravity well. While this pandemic isn’t hitting…

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Difficult security incidents are unique and valuable opportunities. They are the sort of testing you can’t buy: real-world, un-simulated, and direct. No pen-test or code review is going to do what a serious incident will. They are priceless jewels, but only if you use them for all they’re worth. Capturing that value is only possible…

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Looking back at 2020, it was obvious even at the time that everything had changed forever. The COVID-19 pandemic left nothing as it was. It brought disruption and loss to everyone. For security and IT staff, it also ushered in the Great Remote Access Experiment. Our work was suddenly thrust into the limelight, but without…

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F5’s executive leadership got an urgent message: a malicious actor within the company was sending confidential information to a third party that could put customers at serious risk. We immediately formed a combined response team of technical cybersecurity experts, executives, and business process stakeholders. Working together, we began to gather information about the nature and…

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