Tag: industry trends

Recapping RSA 2017: Endpoint Protection, Threat Hunting, and Talent Searching Abound! Source link lol

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Previously, I talked about the elegant beauty in offloading parts of your risk portfolio in four distinct ways. The logic is to streamline the company’s mitigation efforts and allow you to focus more time and investment where it matters most—on the unique risks inherent to the business. But there is a fifth element, and it is…

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If you think everything’s gone cyber now, just wait. “Digital transformation” is shifting all aspects of modern life — think automated grocery stores, driverless cars and trucks, even our social lives — and it all brings new forms of risk. Consequently, security is becoming one of the top fields in the world. But it’s not…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report. As part of the report, F5 commissioned Ponemon to survey of 3,135 IT security practitioners across the world. The survey collected information about respondent’s application security processes. A key question asked for respondents to name their organization’s primary owner of application risk. In theory,…

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As Covid-19 drives a higher volume of transactions online, the dance between cyber-criminals and security professionals has stepped up a beat. Enterprises are re-assessing the robustness of their systems, while bad actors are on the look-out for vulnerabilities to exploit. Under lockdown measures, organisations have been forced to reassess their physical environments. Now they must…

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