Tag: Injection

The encapsulated IP packet header uses the same parameters as the encapsulating IP header. The Transport Layer protocol for the encapsulated IP packet is UDP. Most public routers will pass along the GRE packet because it’s a widely used protocol for generating VPN connections. We speculate that GRE might be the protocol of choice due to…

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  The latest evolution of cyber weaponry is brought to you by the default passwords in Internet of Things (IoT) devices. That includes just about every conceivable modern electronic device—from home thermostats, lighting systems, refrigerators, cars, and water meters, to personal fitness devices, toasters, bicycle helmets, toys, and even shoes and clothing. Today, the number…

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Recently there have been several reports of a financial malware named TrickBot; this malware's code looks similar to Dyre. Source link lol

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Trickbot, the latest arrival to the banking malware scene and successor to the infamous Dyre botnet, is in constant flux, and its authors are continually adding new targets and functionality. F5 malware researchers have been monitoring Trickbot and have uncovered a new variant that substantially increases the number of German banks being targeted. Trickbot was…

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Malware that steals banking credentials is still one of today’s most lucrative cybercrime schemes. It’s not unusual for a banking Trojan to evolve over the years, and Ramnit is a perfect example. It was active for several years until it was disrupted in early 2015 by Europol working with several tech companies. It resurfaced in…

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  No matter how application-savvy you are, it should be fairly obvious that this is not a typical Content-Type header for an HTTP request. According to the RFC, Content-Type is usually of the form “type/subtype”7. This leviathan contains a valid Content-Type header in the very first line—multipart/form-data—but even a rudimentary BNF parser would flag this as a…

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Figure 1: CVE-2017-5638 campaign The exploit triggers the vulnerability via the Content-Type header value, which the attacker customized with shell commands to be executed if the server is vulnerable. In the first days of this campaign, shell commands were observed to infect the machine with the “PowerBot” malware, which is written in PERL, and uses…

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Marcher targets focused on European, Australian, and Latin American banks, along with PayPal, eBay, Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Gmail, and Yahoo—all in the month of March. Source link lol

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This article was revised 5/15/17 at 9:12 a.m. (PDT) with updated recommendations. Over a dozen years ago, malware pioneer Dr. Peter Tippett coined the expression “virus disaster,” which describes the point at which more than 25 machines are infected on a single network as the “tipping point” for complete shutdown of a network.1 The new…

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Figure 2: Authentication success!   While Intel didn’t come out and tell everyone exactly what the problem was, the guys at Tenable figured it out within minutes,2 and even show how simple it would be to exploit via Burp Suite. They’ve updated Nessus3 to scan for it, and everyone is broadly recommending that we all disable ports…

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