Tag: Injection

The cloud, like every other technology, was developed to help us do more things faster and more efficiently. It’s a business tool that provides the self-service flexibility of on-demand technological services decoupled from the need to physically deliver hardware and software. Organizations are flocking to leverage this power, but there are nagging questions: Is cloud…

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In part 1, we discussed the various definitions of cloud and looked at cloud incidents related to data breaches, such as outages. In this part, we’re taking a close look at major cloud data breach incidents over the past few years. Are the majority of these breaches associated with sophisticated advanced attackers or malicious insiders?…

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Good or bad, the cloud adoption represents a new pathway for anyone to become a software startup without having to hire operations or infrastructure personnel. Although they can quickly get a minimally viable application up and running, that application may lack both robustness and security measures of more traditional, well-engineered systems. I’m pretty sure that…

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What Does a Typical Brute Force Attack Look Like at a Service Provider? Brute force attack methods vary. It’s not uncommon, for example, for mobile phone service providers to encounter unauthorized online account activity in which an attacker accesses accounts by trying a phone number in combination with a PIN code. These types of attacks…

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Authentication Attacks: Growing Every Year Credential stuffing and brute force attacks have been the biggest threats for financial services recently, and the trend shows no sign of slowing. This is unsurprising, given the capability that legitimate credentials represent for attackers. If attackers are able to guess or simply re-use already compromised credentials and gain access…

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The Application Protection Research Series is an ongoing project at F5 Labs that provides an overarching view of the application security landscape. While detailed analyses of specific attacks are critical for defenders to adapt to emerging techniques, it is easy to overemphasize tactics over strategy if those kinds of analyses are the only thing we…

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The sight of empty supermarket shelves during the COVID-19 pandemic brought home the fragility of our food supply chain. We can all see the importance of ensuring the security of the farming and agriculture industry. However, farming is becoming increasingly automated. This means new cybersecurity risks are emerging to stand alongside traditional risks like the…

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Identifying Trends in Recent Cyberattacks Web attacks vary quite a lot—by target, technique, objective, and attacker—which makes it difficult for a system owner to assess the instantaneous risk to their particular combination of systems until they’re attacked. To help defenders anticipate the risks they face, we analyzed several months’ worth of global honeypot traffic from…

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On Tuesday, December 8th, 2020, FireEye, a leading cybersecurity firm used by governments and companies for penetration testing and forensic services announced that it had been the target of an attack by nation-state actors “with top-tier offensive capabilities,” and that a suite of tools used by FireEye for penetration testing had been stolen. What do…

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In the fall of 2020, many countries began to require that travelers test negative for the new coronavirus before crossing their borders. As with anything of value, a black market soon emerged. Travelers could illicitly purchase forged negative COVID-19 test results and try to fake their way through the checkpoint. Goodness knows, we’ve already seen…

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