Tag: leadership

All too often, I hear colleagues wax poetic on the disdain their directors and managers have towards the mission of cyber security. I’m always eager to provide some sage couples counseling wisdom toward these difficult relationships between CISOs and their colleagues. 1. Designate FUD as your Friend rather than Adversary Someone once said that Fear,…

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Ah, CISOs. Such magnificent and noble creatures. There’s such a wide variety in the wild that you might have a hard time believing they are all part of the same species. Let’s take a short field expedition to familiarize ourselves with a few common varieties. And wipe all that sunscreen off your face, you won’t…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report. As part of the report, F5 commissioned Ponemon to survey of 3,135 IT security practitioners across the world. The survey collected information about respondent’s application security processes. A key question asked for respondents to name their organization’s primary owner of application risk. In theory,…

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