Tag: Man-in-the-browser

Tinba, also known as “Tinybanker”, “Zusy” and “HµNT€R$”, is a banking Trojan that was first seen in the wild around May 2012. Its source code was leaked in July 2014. Cybercriminals customized the leaked code and created an even more sophisticated piece of malware that is being used to attack a large number of popular…

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VBKlip has evolved significantly from searching for IBAN data in copy-paste functionality to MITB techniques. Source link lol

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Trickbot, the latest arrival to the banking malware scene and successor to the infamous Dyre botnet, is in constant flux, and its authors are continually adding new targets and functionality. F5 malware researchers have been monitoring Trickbot and have uncovered a new variant that substantially increases the number of German banks being targeted. Trickbot was…

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The financial trojan TrickBot has been updating its campaigns and targets since F5 malware researchers started following it in September 2016. This is expected behavior because attackers need to continually update their targets and methods to evade detection. Previously, TrickBot, the successor to Dyre, targeted financial institutions in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. TrickBot’s May 2017…

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Figure 6: Targets by Industry Notable Target Drops European banks have continually been a top target of TrickBot, and although there was growth in targets in that region, Europe stands out more in this configuration because Australia and New Zealand targets dropped off, thereby boosting Europe’s portion of the pie. There were no New Zealand…

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Figure 13: Top TrickBot C&C hosting networks by ASN owner, geo, and count Conclusion The analyzed configurations initially saw TrickBot shift away from the Nordic countries and into France, Spain, the US, and the UK; it appeared for a time that the targeting of this malware was becoming more focused on fewer countries and more…

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One thing to consider about the Q1 2018 data is that it’s only one quarter in comparison to the annual averages of 2016 and 2017, and that Q1 typically receives the least number of attacks of any quarter. If attacks against North America decline in Q2, as they have done the past 2 years, the…

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Executive Summary Like coral reefs teeming with a variety of life, web applications are “colony creatures.” They consist of a multitude of independent components, running in separate environments with different operational requirements and supporting infrastructure (both in the cloud and on premises) glued together across networks. In this report, we examine that series of interacting…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report based on the results of an F5-commissioned Ponemon survey of 3,135 IT and security practitioners across the globe. Additional research conducted by Whatcom Community College, University of Washington Tacoma, along with data from White Hat Security and Loryka served to make this one of…

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