Tag: monero

F5 threat researchers have discovered a new Apache Struts campaign. This new campaign is a sophisticated multi-staged attack targeting internal networks with the NSA-attributed EternalBlue and EternalSynergy exploits. We have dubbed the campaign “Zealot” based on the name of the zip file containing the python scripts with the NSA-attributed exploits. As we continue to research…

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Figure 2: Alternative C&C server address hosted on Pastebin.com   One of the challenges that adversaries need to deal with is how to maintain a sustainable C&C infrastructure without being quickly denylisted by enterprise security solutions, or being frequently shut down by ISPs and hosting services following law enforcement and security vendors’ abuse reports. Many…

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Last week, a malware campaign targeting Jenkins automation servers was reported by CheckPoint researchers.1 The attackers exploited a deserialization vulnerability2 in Jenkin’s bidirectional channel (CVE-2017-1000353)3 to deploy Monero cryptomining malware that generated an estimated profit of $3 million. Following this disclosure, F5 researchers observed what appears to be the same threat actor group, as they…

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F5 threat researchers detected attackers actively exploiting the rTorrent client through a previously undisclosed misconfiguration vulnerability and deploying a Monero (XMR) crypto-miner operation. The rTorrent client misconfiguration vulnerabilities include: No authentication required for XML-RPC communication Sensitive XML-RPC method is allowed (direct OS command execution) Attackers are actively exploiting this vulnerability in the wild by scanning…

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Last week, F5 threat researchers spotted a Monero (XMR) crypto-mining campaign that was taking advantage of a user configuration vulnerability in the rTorrent client, specifically misconfigured XML-RPC functionality. This misconfiguration vulnerability in rTorrent allows an unauthenticated user to execute methods in the rTorrent client using HTTP requests. After deeper analysis of the attack logs, F5…

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Figure 14: Statistics of the Monero mining payment address belonging to the attacker   The attacker has earned 8.76 Monero coins by now,4 with a current price of 110.79 USD per a Monero coin,5 which totals to 970.52 USD. According to the information provided on the mining server website, this operation began around June 1.…

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Just two weeks ago a new Apache Struts 2 critical remote code execution vulnerability was published,1 and F5 researchers have already detected known threat actors exploiting it in a new crypto-mining campaign: CVE-2018-11776 Apache Struts 2 namespace vulnerability allows unauthenticated remote code execution. In this Monero crypto-mining campaign, the injection point is within the URL.…

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F5 researchers uncovered a cryptominer campaign delivering new Golang malware that targets Linux-based servers. Golang malware is not often seen in the threat landscape; it was first seen to mid-2018 and has continued throughout 2019. The malware campaign propagates using 7 different methods: 4 web application exploits (2 targeting ThinkPHP, 1 targeting Drupal, and 1…

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