Tag: Phishing

IP Infrastructure Analysis, Use of Hosting Infra or Corporate IP Ranges (Geo Location Matching) Scrapers have to distribute their traffic via proxy networks or bot nets so as to spread their traffic over a large number of IP addresses and avoid IP-based rate limits that are used to block unwanted scraping. Because of this, scrapers…

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Search Engine Companies These are typically crawlers or spiders belonging to large search engine providers. They index content from websites all over the internet so they can help users of their search engines to find things on the internet. Google, Bing, Facebook, Amazon, Baidu, etc. all have scrapers that regularly visit every single website on…

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  Dyre is one of the most sophisticated banking and commercial malware agents in the wild. This trojan uses fake login pages, server-side webinjects, and modular architecture to adapt to the victim. This in-depth report looks at the entire fraud flow and its capabilities. Dyre is a relatively new banking Trojan, first seen in the…

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VBKlip has evolved significantly from searching for IBAN data in copy-paste functionality to MITB techniques. Source link lol

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  Slave is financial malware written in Visual Basic. Since 2015 it has evolved from relatively simple IBAN swapping of destination bank account numbers to stealthy browser infection, function hooking, and unique webinjects. Slave conducts its attack by hooking the Internet browser functions and manipulating their code for various fraudulent activities. This manipulation can be…

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Renewed Dyre Commands Dyre uses a windows pipe for inter-process communication, passing commands from the main module it injects into the “windows explorer’ process to other processes. The commands are passed both to browsers launched by the user and stealthy worker-processes launched by the malware itself. In the new sample, most of the commands discussed…

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  Standard mobile banking trojans post their own fraudulent content over banking applications. The Yasuo-Bot malware takes it a step further by dynamically pulling fraudulent content from the C&C server. Since 2010, mobile malware is on the rise. The first mobile Trojan launched was Zitmo (Zeus in the mobile), a mobile version of the most…

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Fake Pages An attack vector that strongly identified the Dyre malware is massively used now by Dridex authors. To accomplish that, the latest uses the same old “redirection” technique. The malware part that resides inside the browser implementation (“Man-in-the-Browser”) is able to intercept the browser’s requests sent to any domain and redirect them to the…

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Ongoing campaign analysis has revealed that Dridex malware's latest focus has strongly shifted in recent months to US banks. Source link lol

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More Complexity to Come The profession of webinject crafting is being reflected in Trojan campaigns against banks. We can only guess whether the resemblance between the webinjects is a result of a cooperation or of both fraudsters buying webinjects from the same third party. Either way, a great deal of fraud business logic is now…

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