Tag: RCE

APIs and Sectors As more APIs are published, both by large enterprises who want to make their data more available (such as Google) and by smaller, industry-specific organizations hoping to generate value, some interesting industry patterns are also emerging. Of the organizations for which we had sector information, social networking organizations made up the largest…

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F5 Labs in collaboration with Effluxio researches global attack traffic to gain a better understanding of the cyberthreat landscape. In this installment of regional threat analysis, F5 Labs researchers break down the data collected by our sensors on attacks targeting Latin America from January 1 through March 31, 2021. Cyberattacks happen in many forms, but…

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August Port Scan Data F5 Labs also analyzes data for TCP ports other than 80 and 443 from the Efflux network. The top 10 ports for August 2022 follow patterns we’ve been seeing for years, with port 5900 (VNC) topping the list, followed by a collection of ports used mainly for remote access (ssh, telnet,…

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Another month has passed, which means more sensor telemetry to analyze for attacker targeting trends. October’s data is notable primarily because we detected attackers looking for a handful of interesting vulnerabilities that were recently released or discovered, most notably CVE-2022-41040, one of the Microsoft Exchange zero day vulnerabilities that attackers began to exploit in August…

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F5 Labs was honored to host two Howard University undergraduate students, Malaya Moon and Akosua Wordie, as part of a Summer Security Practicum program. These two students assisted F5 Labs staff with analyzing and classifying web sensor data, and they dived deep into attacks against South Africa from the first part of 2021. By doing…

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Another interesting aspect of Figure 3 is identifying when vulnerabilities drop off for periods of time. In October we identified two recently released vulnerabilities, CVE-2022-40684 and CVE-2022-41040, in our logs. Both are severe vulnerabilities; CVE-2022-40684, an authentication bypass vulnerability in various Fortinet security appliances, has a CVSS 3.1 score of 9.8, and CVE-2022-41040, an escalation…

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Although the attack scan traffic into the United States is in line with the proportion of the assigned IP addresses, most of the other countries are not. The extreme outlier that stands out is Malaysia, rising to second place in Q3 2021. Examining Attacks on Malaysia from China Since this is so unusual, we examined…

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Vulnerabilities New and Old Particularly avid readers, or perhaps just readers with a magnifying glass, will note that there are six-and-a-half new vulnerabilities in Figure 3 compared with our November SIS. We say a half-new vulnerability because one of the new ones is indistinguishable from an existing signature. While tuning the pattern for CVE-2022-41040, a…

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You may have heard about the log4j security vulnerability — one of the most widespread cybersecurity vulnerabilities in recent years. Here’s a non-technical explanation of it: What is it? It’s a vulnerability that was discovered in a piece of free, open source software called log4j. This software is used by thousands of websites and applications,…

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Welcome to the Sensor Intel Series installment for January 2023. The purpose of this recurring monthly brief is to provide security practitioners with vulnerability targeting intelligence so that they can make better-informed decisions about patching and vulnerability remediation. The source of this intelligence is log data from a globally distributed network of passive sensors. While…

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