Tag: risk analysis

Some startups see security as a nice-to-have that can be added months or years after launch. The smart ones realize that dependable security from the beginning means solid performance, satisfied customers, and no precious startup dollars wasted on fraud or incidents. F5 Labs decided to peek under the hood of one of these smart startups: Wanderlust…

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Now hear this: You will always have exposure. No company has the ability to mitigate all risks at all times. No company I’ve ever visited has even had all of its identified risks treated at any given point. Yet so many companies lead their security strategy with controls. They’ll make sizable investments in security appliances…

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We who live risk management know there are four responses when confronted with a credible risk to our organizations. We can treat the risk to reduce it. We can avoid the risk by altering our organization’s behavior. We can transfer the risk with insurance or outsourcing, though the transfer is rarely complete. Lastly, we can…

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There's often a gap between what we say we need for an effective security posture, and what we actually do. Examining the gaps between "best practices" and reality helps us get to more tangible results. Source link lol

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In this series, we examine how the reality of a security program differs from the perception some security practioners hold. To do this, we’re focusing on four specific gaps that can weaken security defenses and instigate security incidents. For example, consider the rising number of cloud breaches caused by engineers disabling basic access control, either…

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As we’ve seen in this series, security defenders’ perception of a security program can differ from the reality. Part 1 examined three key gaps that lead to incomplete risk management processes. Part 2 explored the gap in critical areas of perception of risk and defense between security leadership and security technicians, and how it can…

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APIs and Sectors As more APIs are published, both by large enterprises who want to make their data more available (such as Google) and by smaller, industry-specific organizations hoping to generate value, some interesting industry patterns are also emerging. Of the organizations for which we had sector information, social networking organizations made up the largest…

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