Tag: risk strategy

  What better way to diagnose a failed security program than to point at an inferior assessment of risk? If an organization omits or misjudges a critical risk, then the decisions that flow from that finding will be incorrect. A problem with standardizing risk assessment is that the measurement of relevant risk is going to…

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There’s an expression in geekdom called “yak shaving” that refers to doing busywork that appears important but is actually useless. The essence is that yak shaving is easier to do than dealing with the actual problem at hand (which is often complex and hard).1 Too Much Security Awareness Training There’s only so much security training…

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Several surveys talk about CISO salaries and job prospects, but we felt that the industry as a whole needed to fully understand what goes into the day-to-day job of a CISO. F5 and research firm Ponemon teamed to survey CISOs to draw as complete a picture as we could on the modern security executive. In…

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The recently released F5 and Ponemon report, “The Evolving Role of CISOs and their Importance to the Business,” unearthed some disconcerting results about CISO effectiveness. In particular, the following survey question spoke to this point specifically: Are security operations aligned with business objectives? Fully – 26% Partially – 34% Not – 40% Surprisingly, only a quarter of…

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As I write this, the industry is still wagging its fingers at the latest big breach. But in the time that it takes to get this published, there could easily be another colossal security disaster that leaves large numbers of people’s private information exposed. And with every headline announcing a security failure comes the anger…

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Are cybersecurity budgets increasing or decreasing? In December 2019, experts were predicting 2020 would see a modest 8.7% growth in cybersecurity spending. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it comes as no surprise that security budgets instead are being slashed, prompting Gartner to revise its estimate to 2.4% growth in spending. Are they right? Let’s look…

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