Tag: secops

I was chatting recently with a coworker who had just returned from a DevOpsy-focused conference. She mentioned she had met a woman whose entire role was focused on finding “lost” cloud instances (that is, virtual servers running in a public or private cloud network). Her entire job is just to find those instances and get…

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Introduction No CISO is an island. Of all the executive roles in a mature organization, the CISO is one of the most dependent on the collaboration and integration of disparate resources and people. The CISO is responsible not for a specific, discrete segment of a business model but for managing an abstract principle with shifting…

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Over the years, I’ve seen articles comparing cybersecurity to martial arts, so I’ve been reluctant to write one. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m no Jeremiah Grossman, black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but I have done martial arts on and off since I was in elementary school. Now that my son has begun that…

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