Tag: security architecture

  The CISO can use these techniques to adjust the appropriate subsystems to move and maintain interactions to the desired level. Let’s unpack an example of doing this. Here’s a common security problem: applications and data are spread around everywhere—on the local networks, on laptops at home, on personal machines, on mobile devices, and in…

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Recapping RSA 2017: Endpoint Protection, Threat Hunting, and Talent Searching Abound! Source link lol

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This year at RSA, I saw many vendors offering “deceptive defense” solutions. Whether folks were buying them is another matter. The concept of using deception in warfare goes back to the dawn of time. Thousands of years ago, Sun Tzu wrote that “all warfare is based on deception.”1 IT deception as a hacking defense has…

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Before you can go beyond something, you have to get there first. The perimeter’s imminent demise has been forecast by any number of people and, to a certain extent, they have a point. Once you start placing lots of gates in your fence and move half your livestock outside of it, you start to wonder…

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  The constructs of a business model canvas are rooted in scientific modeling, business modeling, and system information modeling—all driven by logic. The business model canvased is modeled using the following: Inputs (This is what we want to do) What are our goals and objectives? (Value Proposition) Who and where do we need to engage…

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In Part I of this blog series, we introduced information modeling as a method to reduce compliance gaps. In this blog, we create a master model of protection based on the business model of a fictitious company called Eclipse Cloud Services (ECS). The master protection model forms the basis of contextualizing access to the infrastructure,…

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  Internal and external threat landscapes are made up of the same system components. Differentials are based on implementation and technology choices. Hosting Resources The way a solution is deployed, the type of cloud service, and the tenant model make up an organization’s hosting resources and provide the basis for the threat landscape. Why? This…

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Information Security Controls are the bread and butter of audit professionals, the bane of developers, and the playground of security professionals. From a business perspective, they provide a means for enabling business resiliency by protecting and reducing the risk associated with the threat landscape. Insofar as the concept of defense in depth is embraced, it’s…

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  It is against business priority enablers that we align the following causation models required to present our high-level protection strategy. Causal Model 1 — Threat Landscape We captured the business priorities in the business model’s value proposition. ECS’s desire is to “offer certified and compliant cloud computing services secured with the leading security standards.”…

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You’re a chief information security officer (CISO) who’s managing the security requirements for your organization’s value chain. As a former CISO (and current virtual CISO to several companies), I know that’s one of the core functions of our role. How do you know you’re doing a good job? How would you evaluate your performance? The…

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