Tag: security awareness

Recapping RSA 2017: Endpoint Protection, Threat Hunting, and Talent Searching Abound! Source link lol

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Unfortunately, the term “fake news” is now an everyday expression, especially in the political arena. However, accusations of fake news have been around for at least half a century, notably rising in prominence in tabloids. For decades, there has been a vigorous niche of print magazines specializing in embellished and often exaggerated articles and misleading…

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One of the weakest links in our cyber defenses is the human factor. The (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Trends Report for 2017 stated that cybersecurity professionals are most concerned about phishing attacks.1 But phishing is just one of many social engineered attacks mediated by technology. Now we are seeing an upswing in virtual kidnapping scams. How the Scam Works…

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Executive impersonation scams are on the rise, costing businesses billions of dollars annually. Organizations of all sizes can be targeted and fall victim to these crimes. Understanding how these crimes are committed and the numerous variations and vectors of attack will help reduce the possibility that your organization will be victimized. Overview Let’s face it,…

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There’s an expression in geekdom called “yak shaving” that refers to doing busywork that appears important but is actually useless. The essence is that yak shaving is easier to do than dealing with the actual problem at hand (which is often complex and hard).1 Too Much Security Awareness Training There’s only so much security training…

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Seven minutes until his next meeting, Charles Clutterbuck, the CFO of Boring Aeroplanes, had just enough time to answer a few emails. He flopped onto his padded leather chair and tapped out his password. A dozen emails glowed unread at the top of his inbox stack. He skimmed down the list of names and subjects…

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  Through these sites, it’s not hard for phishers to gather up a list of names of employees at a specific organization. Social Media and Personal Information Despite the security team’s best efforts to prevent it, employees will share and spread information about themselves all over the Internet. Social media companies expend tremendous effort to…

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As security professionals, whether we know it or not, we all have a role to play in protecting the critical infrastructure. We see almost daily in the news that ordinary people around the world are being targeted in cyberattacks by terrorist groups, nation states, and organized crime groups. These groups use cybercrime to advance their…

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  Granted, some of this information can be misleading because IP addresses can trace back to the ISP rather than the actual organization. But, sometimes attackers get lucky. Most of the time, they can uncover where sites are being hosted and gain some basic information about the company’s network configuration. In addition to the IP…

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Cyber crooks use several common URL disguising techniques to trick users into thinking their sham sites are legitimate. Source link lol

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