Tag: Services Tier

Accounting for the slight dip in 2019, password login attacks account for 32% of all reported SIRT incidents over the past three years. We also saw how they jumped in 2020, so we did a deeper dive into how these kinds of cyberattacks ramped up during the pandemic. Credential Stuffing Attacks at Financial Services Organizations…

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So How Good Are Sectors for Predicting Risk? Based on these analyses, it appears that the answer is “not bad, but it depends.” On one hand, we can identify specific patterns that seem to map to characteristics about those sectors. We already knew that the Retail Trade sector is heavily targeted by attacks that are…

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F5 Labs in collaboration with Effluxio researches global attack traffic to gain a better understanding of the cyberthreat landscape. In this installment of regional threat analysis, F5 Labs researchers break down the data collected by our sensors on attacks targeting Latin America from January 1 through March 31, 2021. Cyberattacks happen in many forms, but…

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What Is SQL Injection? SQL injection is a technique used by attackers to gain unauthorized access to one of an organization’s most critical assets: the database that supports its website. In most cases, it is website vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to insert (or inject) instructions where the application is expecting only data. SQL injection…

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The Largest DDoS Attack of 2021 So Far The largest attack the SOC team encountered over the past 15 months came in February 2021 and targeted a technology company that provides information security services for gaming and gambling organizations. The onslaught peaked at 500 Gbps, or half a terabit per second. Threat actors, possibly disgruntled…

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A wide variety of organizations fall under financial services, including banks of varying sizes, credit unions, insurance companies, government-sponsored financial institutions, stock exchanges, investment funds, payment processors, consumer finance lenders, brokerages, and companies that service the financial sector. We’ll look at all of these and note the differences in the data, starting with the largest…

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Introduction F5 Labs attack series articles help you understand common attacks, how they work, and how to guard against them. What Is Cross-Site Scripting? Cross-site scripting, commonly referred to as XSS, is one of many types of insertion attacks that affect web-based applications and, by extension, their users. It occurs when a vulnerability in an…

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Cyberattack Incidents at Financial Services Companies Like payment processors, financial services companies are private companies that serve the financial sector by providing data processing for banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. They can perform loan analyses, credit ratings, check printing, data storage, or analytics. Basically, they provide any outsourced service except payment processing (the…

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The sector with the largest single attack in 2021, however, was ISP/Hosting, which saw attacks peak at 1.4 Tbps. Where DDoS Attacks Come From Denial-of-service attacks are most frequently launched from compromised servers or consumer devices, such as Internet-of-Thing (IoT) products and broadband routers. In producing this report, we made use of data not only…

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Attackers are always on the lookout to compromise digital identities. A successful account takeover allows a cybercriminal to impersonate a genuine user for monetization purposes. Enterprises large and small have utilized various means to secure someone’s digital identity, and credentials are the starting point. F5 Labs 2021 Credential Stuffing Report indicates that 1.8 billion credential…

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