In-App Testing Since the HSTS and HPKP protocols allow for genuine interception of SSL by trusted certificates, nothing can be done to warn end users that their communications are being intercepted. For those that need to inform their users of interception, in-app testing could be considered. By performing an additional SSL/TLS handshake, using Javascript within…

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Welcome to the Summary of the 2019 F5 Labs TLS Telemetry Report. This year, we expanded the scope of our research to bring you deeper insights into how encryption on the web is constantly evolving. We look into which ciphers and SSL/TLS versions are being used to secure the Internet’s top websites and, for the…

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Editor’s Note: F5 Labs is a threat research and analysis team within F5 Networks. As a relatively small team of researchers, evangelists, and writers who produce vendor-neutral threat-related content, we look forward every summer to the opportunity to bring in a college intern to help us with special research and data analysis projects. In the…

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Creating an encrypted HTTPS website depends on a lot more than simply throwing a digital certificate at it and hoping for the best. In fact, Transport Layer Security (TLS) and HTTPS misconfigurations are now so commonplace that in the 2021 OWASP Top 10, Cryptographic Failures now comes in second place…. Source link lol

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Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) allows two parties to authenticate each other during the initial connection of an SSL/TLS handshake. Source link lol

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