Tag: Strategies

If you’re not evaluating risk in terms of likelihood and impact, you could be focusing your security efforts in all the wrong places. Source link lol

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The obvious takeaway here is that these two most commonly breached application vulnerabilities represent low hanging fruit for attackers. Forum software is a favorite target for attackers because they consume user content that if not sanitized properly could be a crafty little malicious script that injects a PHP backdoor. Forum makers (as well as CMS providers…

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We’re in an exciting time in our profession. There is a lot of new technology, a huge demand for our skills, and a bright future that promises only more work for us. Yet, this excitement is a two-edged blade. We often hear from peers about how hard it is to hire good security folks. My…

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Previously, I’ve talked about four primary risk treatment options: mitigate, avoid, accept, and transfer. Over the history of the security industry, we’ve tended to focus on mitigation. Implementing controls is where the action is. As IT has largely become a consumption model, I would argue that risk transfer is catching up with mitigation and becoming…

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Whether it’s coming from the business units or the IT organization, every company wants to pull off new tech initiatives to create business impact. Thus, we see new functionality. We think it’s cool. We introduce it.  …but then a user slips up because of some unforeseen slack in the system. When that happens, suddenly we’re…

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CISOs could always use more help, it’s as simple as that. As part of an upcoming report on protecting applications, F5 engaged Ponemon to survey security professionals. The survey found that 44% of respondents reported “lack of skilled or expert personnel” as the “main barrier to achieving a strong application security posture.” Our previous F5…

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An orchard of cybersecurity law is growing in Asia. Now based in Singapore, your intrepid reporter is bumping into these cyber laws not as a participant (yet) but as an interested observer. Like the data-protection laws recently passed throughout the region, these cybersecurity regulations have a lot in common with each other. Singaporeans are known…

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Figure 1: Cost of confidential data breach – F5 Ponemon security survey   What do breach costs consist of? They can include anything from incident response investigation costs, remediation costs, reputation damage, loss of sales, operational downtime, and compliance penalties. Another significant cost that hasn’t historically been a major contributor to breach costs but is…

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Previously, I talked about the elegant beauty in offloading parts of your risk portfolio in four distinct ways. The logic is to streamline the company’s mitigation efforts and allow you to focus more time and investment where it matters most—on the unique risks inherent to the business. But there is a fifth element, and it is…

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You’re a chief information security officer (CISO) who’s managing the security requirements for your organization’s value chain. As a former CISO (and current virtual CISO to several companies), I know that’s one of the core functions of our role. How do you know you’re doing a good job? How would you evaluate your performance? The…

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