Tag: talent scarcity

Previously, I talked about the elegant beauty in offloading parts of your risk portfolio in four distinct ways. The logic is to streamline the company’s mitigation efforts and allow you to focus more time and investment where it matters most—on the unique risks inherent to the business. But there is a fifth element, and it is…

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If you think everything’s gone cyber now, just wait. “Digital transformation” is shifting all aspects of modern life — think automated grocery stores, driverless cars and trucks, even our social lives — and it all brings new forms of risk. Consequently, security is becoming one of the top fields in the world. But it’s not…

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IoT attacks, budget shortfalls, and the skills gap are among the problems keeping security pros up at night. The world of cybersecurity gets more intriguing every year. In 2017, security professionals saw their share of attacks, but the increasing sophistication of the skirmishes is notable — with almost machine-like weaponization of code on the attackers’…

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It’s always interesting to watch how the ongoing digital transformation of our lives is changing the world in ways we never would have anticipated years ago. Financial information, social interactions, even our physical locations may be up for grabs in cyberspace, with real-world ramifications. For a few weeks this fall, the U.S. was fixated on…

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I struggled to assimilate to civilian life after I returned home from serving three military deployments. I had plenty of experience, but I didn’t know how to explain my qualifications in terms an employer would understand. After all, how do you tell a potential employer that your skills hunting down IEDs in Afghanistan make you…

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In the current era driven by automation and connectivity, retaining top IT talent is becoming increasingly important for enterprises to deliver world-class customer experiences in order to stand out and stay ahead in the race. However, as companies pursue digitization to drive transformation and innovation, they simultaneously become vulnerable to cyberattacks. Last year, Hong Kong…

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