Tag: Threats

Intro The F5 Application Protection Report podcast returns for 2019! Last year, F5 Labs researchers examined the entire landscape of threats facing applications, and offered guidance on how to protect them. This year, they followed up with another research series that examined how both apps and threats are changing, and what security practitioners can do…

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Use of Cyber Deception to Influence Voters Rather than directly manipulate votes, cyber attackers are now finding success in misleading the voters themselves. Once again, social engineering triumphs over technology. The key to this tactic is simple, and cyberwarfare researcher The Grugq said it best, “People will believe what their computers tell them is reality.”…

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Introduction Welcome to F5 Labs’ third annual report on phishing and fraud. Once again, we’re bringing you data from our partner Webroot® as well as the F5 Security Operations Center. Phishing continues to be a major source of profit for cyber-criminals, and a big hassle for cyber-defenders. In the F5 Labs 2019 Application Protection Report,…

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A vulnerable FortiGate SSL VPN server responds to this request with contents of the sslpvpn_websession file, which contains the username and password of a user. This information can be used or sold to threat actors in order to compile brute force and credential stuffing lists. While reconnaissance campaigns do not actively exploit systems, they enable…

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Viewed in this way, our research illuminates some interesting aspects of the current state of security. In 2018, to the extent that new attack techniques and approaches emerged, it was largely in response to changes in how organizations design, create, and manage applications. The context that makes old attack techniques like injection and phishing newly…

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IP Addresses Attacking the Middle East Compared to Other Regions We looked at the volume of attack traffic Middle Eastern systems received per IP address and compared that to other regions of the world. Attack traffic destined for Middle Eastern systems had little overlap with the rest of the world except for a handful of…

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Attacks Types of Top Attacking IP Addresses Of the top 50 IP addresses attacking systems in the U.S., the most IP addresses were assigned in the U.S. (40%). The remainder of the top 50 attacking IP addresses were geographically distributed around the globe with 14% coming from South Korea, 6% each coming from Russia and…

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The script uses random function and variable names to avoid detection by antivirus engines. It also contains another Base64-encoded payload. The threat actor uses .Net APIs to call the Windows API. For example, the script uses the .NET API to find address of VirtualAlloc function exported by kernel32.dll. It then marshals the shellcode by using…

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Attacks Types of the Top Attacking IP Addresses The top 50 IP addresses attacking systems in Canada were geographically spread fairly evenly. Eight percent are assigned to South Korea, and closely following, with 7% are assigned in the U.S. Though smaller in number, the three Canadian IP addresses in the top attacking IP address list…

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Latin American systems received more attacks from IP addresses within the region that coincidentally did not attack anywhere else in the world. Source link lol

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