Tag: Threats

It’s been another banner year for leakers. In May, Wikileaks released the CIA’s Vault7 cyberwarfare documentation,1 and the Shadow Brokers released NSA exploit information, including the Windows EternalBlue2 exploit. EternalBlue was quickly weaponized into the WannaCry ransomware that pummeled the Internet for days. The Petya/NotPetya ransomware hitting Eastern Europe is also reportedly using EternalBlue to infect machines.…

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These hackers lived where the bending and breaking of the rules was just a part of the culture. Both men were astonished at how Americans obeyed traffic rules and smoking restrictions, citing how in their country such rules are ignored. They wanted to go into business for themselves but found it difficult to do so.…

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Seven minutes until his next meeting, Charles Clutterbuck, the CFO of Boring Aeroplanes, had just enough time to answer a few emails. He flopped onto his padded leather chair and tapped out his password. A dozen emails glowed unread at the top of his inbox stack. He skimmed down the list of names and subjects…

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  Since that paper was published, new algorithms have found currency in the community. However, the process of choosing one is a little like auditioning actors for the lead role in Hamlet. You quickly find that none are perfect and, in fact, some suffer from facial warts! Current Candidates for Post-Quantum Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms Several…

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  Through these sites, it’s not hard for phishers to gather up a list of names of employees at a specific organization. Social Media and Personal Information Despite the security team’s best efforts to prevent it, employees will share and spread information about themselves all over the Internet. Social media companies expend tremendous effort to…

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Figure 6: Targets by Industry Notable Target Drops European banks have continually been a top target of TrickBot, and although there was growth in targets in that region, Europe stands out more in this configuration because Australia and New Zealand targets dropped off, thereby boosting Europe’s portion of the pie. There were no New Zealand…

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Executive Summary The Internet of Things (IoT) and, specifically, the hunt for exploitable IoT devices by attackers, has been a primary area of research for F5 Labs for over a year now—and with good reason. IoT devices are becoming the “cyberweapon delivery system of choice” by today’s botnet-building attackers. And, why not? There are literally…

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  Observe that “standard security,” which is AES-128, corresponds to RSA 3072 (“3K”). The next level of security that’s most often used is P-384 (current Suite B) / AES-192 or AES-256 / Ed448-Goldilocks,2 and it corresponds to 7.6K – 15K RSA keys. The RSA key length does not scale linearly with security strength. It’s incorrect to…

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On the shoulders of manufacturers lies the responsibility to address vulnerabilities, because the next generation of thingbots is taking advantage of known vulnerabilities to gain control of devices. Persirai is an adaptation of Mirai that shares code as well as command and control servers, but targets all models of IP cameras from a single Chinese…

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  Granted, some of this information can be misleading because IP addresses can trace back to the ISP rather than the actual organization. But, sometimes attackers get lucky. Most of the time, they can uncover where sites are being hosted and gain some basic information about the company’s network configuration. In addition to the IP…

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