Tag: Top Risks

“Managing” vulnerabilities is an endless effort that is only truly noticed when it fails. More often than not, the constant debate over which vulnerabilities get prioritized for remediation is decided based on likelihood of exploit, followed by impact, and level of effort to fix. The typical result is that low- and medium-grade vulnerabilities get de-prioritized—in…

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A DNS amplification attack floods the victim’s server with a tsunami of fake requests. DNS Hijacking Who owns what domain name and what DNS servers are designated to answer queries are managed by Domain Registrars8. These are commercial services, such as GoDaddy, eNom, and Network Solutions Inc., where there are registered accounts storing this information.…

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These notifications give defenders a chance to prepare their response. Without them, a hacktivist runs the risk of the affected organization attributing the attack to criminals or equipment outages. For a hacktivist, that’s a fail—the attention is just as important to them as the shutdown. The real problem with hacktivists perpetrating DoS attacks is the…

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  The LulzSec attack of Sony Pictures is an illustrative example. Sony Pictures was running several prize giveaways as part of a marketing campaign. LulzSec used a basic SQL injection1 to breach the SonyPictures.com database and grabbed the usernames, passwords, and personal profiles of over one million registered users. They then dumped the data to Pastebin.…

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Win I am righting something four a blog, I make shore that I am using the write homophones. Eye cannot tell you enough how embarrassing it is win I use the wrong word. For grammarians—who are really grammar pedants with a penchant for pointing out other folks’ grammatical faux pas—homographic mistakes are the ones most…

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New information sheds light on Sabu’s activities following the revelation of his identity. Source link lol

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I was chatting recently with a coworker who had just returned from a DevOpsy-focused conference. She mentioned she had met a woman whose entire role was focused on finding “lost” cloud instances (that is, virtual servers running in a public or private cloud network). Her entire job is just to find those instances and get…

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2016 has been called “the year of stolen credentials,” and with good reason. Between the massive breaches at Yahoo, LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr,1 Twitter,2 and Dropbox,3 just to name a few, it’s estimated that over 2 billion records were stolen. Although attackers steal all kinds of data, a vast majority of what’s stolen are user credentials,…

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It’s been another banner year for leakers. In May, Wikileaks released the CIA’s Vault7 cyberwarfare documentation,1 and the Shadow Brokers released NSA exploit information, including the Windows EternalBlue2 exploit. EternalBlue was quickly weaponized into the WannaCry ransomware that pummeled the Internet for days. The Petya/NotPetya ransomware hitting Eastern Europe is also reportedly using EternalBlue to infect machines.…

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These hackers lived where the bending and breaking of the rules was just a part of the culture. Both men were astonished at how Americans obeyed traffic rules and smoking restrictions, citing how in their country such rules are ignored. They wanted to go into business for themselves but found it difficult to do so.…

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