Tag: Top Risks

  Most don’t, according to BuiltWith, a site that tracks the technologies websites use. Based on its latest data, a paltry .2% of sites on the Internet include CSP headers. Digging further, 8.4% of the Quantcast Top 10,000 have used CSP headers. Which sounds better until you do the math. That’s only 840 sites. By…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report based on the results of an F5-commissioned Ponemon survey of 3,135 IT and security practitioners across the globe. Additional research conducted by Whatcom Community College, University of Washington Tacoma, along with data from White Hat Security and Loryka served to make this one of…

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  One of the missteps I found was that, by default, the Tor node would accept and relay BitTorrent traffic. My American ISP detected the BitTorrent traffic exiting my node and started sending me emails, and, I suspect, interfering with my network traffic (though I didn’t prove that beyond a suspicion). Fortunately, the Tor Project…

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F5 Labs continually tracks DDoS trends based on data from various sources. Among the most important are the F5 Security Operations Center (SOC), the front line for mitigating DDoS attacks on behalf of F5 Silverline customers, and F5’s Security Incident Response Team (SIRT), which assists F5 customers who are under attack. This article is a…

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Imagine you’re a military leader. What if I offered you a weapon to cleanly take out enemy infrastructure with minimal incidental civilian deaths? It has near-infinite operational reach and it’s highly stealthy. Oh, and it’s cheap compared to say, strategic missiles, which cost about a million or so dollars apiece.1 Well, have I got a…

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When this happens, customers are seeing lots of DNS queries from a wide variety of never-seen-before addresses. Often these requests are for nonsensical domains or even ‘localhost’ addresses, as they are bot-generated as with the DNS water torture attack. Sometimes attackers will use large Internet DNS resolvers like Yahoo or Google to reflect their attacks…

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It’s hard to get through any news cycle today without bots coming up. Those we hear about most spread spam, propagate fake news, or create fake profiles and content on social media sites—often to influence public opinion, spark social unrest, or tamper with elections. During the 2016 US presidential election debates, bots were used on…

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Hackers have a soft spot for targeting cryptocurrencies thanks to a lack of heavy regulation unlike traditional financial services. Cryptocurrency funds have no legal obligation to implement protection measures, so inherently they are not as exhaustive or technical. This makes them prime targets for hackers. Transactions can be extremely difficult to reverse, so although some…

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Introduction This year we are releasing our 2019 Application Protection Report as a series of short, tightly focused episodes. This helps ensure we provide timely threat intelligence that our readers can add to their own threat models and use to prepare appropriate defenses and responses. Last episode, we focused on PHP’s continuing run as one…

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The table in Figure 4 shows the top 50 ASNs attacking Australia from Dec 1, 2018 to March 1, 2019 in order of highest to lowest number of attacks. Interestingly, these top 50 networks were split fifty-fifty between ISPs and hosting companies whereas the company types attacking other regions lean heavier towards ISPs. For comparison,…

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