Tag: Top Risks

The following table summarizes the vulnerability impact for each of the tested HTTP/2 implementations:  Tested Webserver Test result Mitigation applied following disclosure Apache httpd Stops responding to new requests. The connection never timed out. Patched and allocated CVE-2018-11763 NGINX Consumes 100% of the server CPU resources and makes NGINX respond slower to incoming connections. The…

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The table in Figure 4 shows the top 50 ASNs attacking US systems from Dec 1, 2018 to March 1, 2019 in order of highest to lowest number of attacks, the majority of which were ISPs. Interestingly, there are more ASNs on this list from India then any other country, followed by Russia. Three of…

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Injection Detection Injection vulnerabilities can be detected during development but are more difficult to detect in deployed systems. Because injection flaws can be exploited in any stage of an attack, finding and evaluating their impact depends on context. Often attackers use lower-priority vulnerabilities such as cross site scripting (XSS) to gain an initial foothold to…

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Comparing ports targeted in Canada versus the US, Europe, or Australia, Canada was the only region where DNS port 53 and the UPnP port 37215 were on the top 20 targeted port list. The UPnP port relates to Huawei small office home office (SOHO) routers with a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability (CVE-2017-17215 and Exploit…

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Advanced Attackers Like criminal actors, state-sponsored actors or APTs often initiate their illicit access campaigns with spear phishing. However, advanced actors have more time and resources on their hands, and can fashion something of value even from apparently useless data. Large caches of innocuous information, such as email addresses, can be used to look for…

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In 2018 we published our first Application Protection Report, which summarized trends and attack patterns for 2017 across multiple disciplines of information security and offered a big picture strategy for controlling application risk. We created that report in order to provide three things that we felt the security industry needs: a specific focus on application…

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Viewed in this way, our research illuminates some interesting aspects of the current state of security. In 2018, to the extent that new attack techniques and approaches emerged, it was largely in response to changes in how organizations design, create, and manage applications. The context that makes old attack techniques like injection and phishing newly…

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IP Addresses Attacking the Middle East Compared to Other Regions We looked at the volume of attack traffic Middle Eastern systems received per IP address and compared that to other regions of the world. Attack traffic destined for Middle Eastern systems had little overlap with the rest of the world except for a handful of…

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Attacks Types of Top Attacking IP Addresses Of the top 50 IP addresses attacking systems in the U.S., the most IP addresses were assigned in the U.S. (40%). The remainder of the top 50 attacking IP addresses were geographically distributed around the globe with 14% coming from South Korea, 6% each coming from Russia and…

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Attacks Types of the Top Attacking IP Addresses The top 50 IP addresses attacking systems in Canada were geographically spread fairly evenly. Eight percent are assigned to South Korea, and closely following, with 7% are assigned in the U.S. Though smaller in number, the three Canadian IP addresses in the top attacking IP address list…

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