About Bruce Schneier I am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people. I’ve been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998. I’m a fellow and lecturer at Harvard’s Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture…

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Apr 30, 2024NewsroomMachine Learning / National Security The U.S. government has unveiled new security guidelines aimed at bolstering critical infrastructure against artificial intelligence (AI)-related threats. “These guidelines are informed by the whole-of-government effort to assess AI risks across all sixteen critical infrastructure sectors, and address threats both to and from, and involving AI systems,” the…

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Calls for better response amid consolidation Meanwhile, the ransomware attack on Change Healthcare has triggered demands for mandatory baseline security standards for healthcare providers. Earlier this month, UnitedHealth faced criticism for its handling of the attack during a three-hour session before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Significantly, the incident has brought concerns about healthcare…

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With Starmus Earth: The Future of Our Home Planet around the corner, we sat down with David Eicher, the Astronomy Magazine editor-in-chief and one of the event’s speakers, to hear his thoughts on a diverse range of subjects – from the most pressing challenges facing our home planet to the mysteries of the universe and the…

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Apr 30, 2024NewsroomIoT Security / Botnet The U.K. National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is calling on manufacturers of smart devices to comply with new legislation that prohibits them from using default passwords, effective April 29, 2024. “The law, known as the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure act (or PSTI act), will help consumers to choose…

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It would be far better if those doing the contracting, hiring, or engagement management had it in their built-in process that when a contract concludes or an employee moves or departs, IT is informed, accounting is informed, and human resources is informed. It’s absurd to allow an employee to simply walk away and wait for…

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In early April, a threat actor called DoD offered on BreachForums three gigabytes of data allegedly stolen from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) systems, claiming it was a contact list of critical infrastructure organizations worldwide. The EPA said that DoD had confirmed it had never breached the agency and that the data posted was…

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“Vulnerabilities that are known to work are a good first bet for a threat actor to try. Attackers are using them because they’re still working.” Bombarding SMBs with exploits for possibly unpatched flaws was simply the easiest way to find the laggards among organizations whose patching routines are not always rigorous. The bigger question, then,…

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Although 55% of organizations are currently piloting or using a generative AI (GenAI) solution, securely deploying the technology remains a significant focus for cyber leaders. A recent ISMG poll of business and cybersecurity professionals revealed that some of the top concerns around GenAI implementation include data security or leakage of sensitive data, privacy, hallucinations, misuse…

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The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today levied fines totaling nearly $200 million against the four major carriers — including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon — for illegally sharing access to customers’ location information without consent. The fines mark the culmination of a more than four-year investigation into the actions of the major carriers. In…

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